Sunday, December 26, 2010

Reflections of 2010; Resolutions for 2011

The year 2010 has been quite an eventful one.  Let's start with the obvious and most life changing--the birth of my son, Levi.  I remember in December of 2009, when I found out I was pregnant, thinking it was weird to think that I would be pregnant for most of the year 2010!  Levi has changed my life is so many ways.  Being a mom is such an amazing thing.  Many times I feel so overwhelmed at the responsibility given me by God to raise Levi in the right way.  I already think about how I never want him to hurt, feel pain, go through struggles; but also know that protecting him from all those things is not possible and not part of God's plan.  I am learning each day not to worry, but, instead to trust God in all things when it comes to Levi.  I also know that it is impossible for me not to make any mistakes in raising Levi, I have to just try my best to be an authentic example of a Christian and ask for wisdom when it comes to raising him.  I think the most important is to be a good example to him---he is going to learn more from how I live my life than what I say or anyone says.  Things that never used to bother me, bother me now.  I may watch a movie now and think would I want Levi to watch this movie?  Is this a good example?  Again, all very overwhelming, but I am taking it day by day with much prayer.  While 2010 was a great year due to the birth of my son, it was also a year of heartache and pain with my mom being diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was especially hard being so far away and unable to be there to help her through the treatments, and mom unable to be there for the birth of her grandson.  Thankfully my mom is a very positive person and I think that has helped her get through most of this.  She is almost done with her treatments and we are praying for a clear report really soon.  And finally, we began going to a new church, a decision that was made for the best of our family and we are excited for all that God is doing there and the discipleship we are receiving there. It is great to be around such wonderful mentors, something we most definitely need right now as new parents.

As 2011 begins, there are a few things I would like to work on this year.  I have already started on this first one, I want to try to put others before myself.  The Bible says to "esteem others better than yourself".  When I became a mom, I learned what this one was all about.  Life was no longer about me, but all about serving another human being---Levi!  I want to try to have more of a servant attitude.  I have always valued my time and never wanted to waste it on anything, but I realize that spending my time to listen to a friend (or stranger) or to help someone (anyone) is a valuable way to spend it.  I do still realize the importance of "me" time, I believe everybody needs a break to do something for themselves (still waiting to get that "me" time since the birth of Levi haha), or else you will get too exhausted.  I also want to continue working on my prayer life/devotional walk, try to witness more with my life, drink more water, start RUNNING:), find a ministry to call my own, and so many more little things.  Cannot wait for a great 2011!!

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